Monday, July 25, 2016

When You Know A Fellow - Edgar Guest 1916


When you get to know a fellow, know his joys
and know his cares,
When you've come to understand him and the
burdens that he bears,
When you've learned the fight he's making and
the troubles in his way,
Then you find that he is different than you
thought him yesterday.
You find his faults are trivial and there's not so
much to blame
In the brother that you jeered at when you only
knew his name.

You are quick to see the blemish in the distant
neighbor's style,
You can point to all his errors and may sneer
at him the while,
And your prejudices fatten and your hates
more violent grow
As you talk about the failures of the man you
do not know,
But when drawn a little closer, and your hands
and shoulders touch,
You find the traits you hated really don't
amount to much.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Vicious Cycle - Changing Directions in Life

The Vicious Cycle

Stagnate is a pungent word. When I hear it, my mind conjures thoughts of a slimy pool of putrid smelling water, motionless with a translucent film covering the brownish green ingredients. As if we were describing a neglected birdbath, we often use the word stagnate to describe our job, relationship, even life itself.  It's when we feel the need to stir things up, add something fresh hoping to take away the stench, or at least mask it.  However, like the neglected pool of water, unless we continue to agitate it, do something different, it will soon return to its former state.  It's a vicious circle, or perhaps vicious cycle is a better phrase.

The vicious circle or cycle that inevitably creates the path leading to stagnation, will never change unless we do.  Unless we transform ourselves, the best we can hope for is to occasionally stir up the muck just enough for us to endure the stench.  Unless we change the way we think, each journey we embark on leads to the same destination.  When we continually find ourselves returning to the same place, regardless of the path we've decided to embark, we'll forever live in the past, reliving familiar circumstances again and again.

We are both consciously and unconsciously making decisions based wholly on our memorized emotional response to our experiences.  With our subconscious in primary control, each step we take has a predicted outcome, always leading us to stare into the brownish green soup of the same stagnate pool.

If thinking has repeatedly lead us to the same lackluster destination, doesn't it make sense that thought can also shepherd us somewhere new and different; a place we're meant to be, minus the toxicity we've needlessly endured?

Before a new course can be charted, we first must understand that life doesn't happen to us, we happen to life.  We weren't placed here to live as a mere pinball to bounce about, left to the fate of bumpers, levers, and bells that decide to bat us about.  We absolutely must take responsibility for our current place in life, wherever we are, whatever destination we've arrived at, lays directly at our feet. When the need arises to point our finger at the blame for our current circumstance, we need only look in a mirror; we are the only ones with the ability to plot a course that leads to sustainable change. 

Be the catalyst to cause an effect, don't live as a victim of cause and effect.

Watch for PARTTWO of the Vicious Cycle...  Buy danKENDRICK's latest book Sex Sells but I'm UGLY on or at

Thursday, July 21, 2016

If God Can Do This...

Mushrooms in GardenIf God Can Do This...

I stepped out into our garden this morning and found two mushrooms that popped up overnight. 
This is something I've seen countless times, but today for some reason I was awe struck when I really took time to look at it and ponder the complexity of creation. 

Isn't it amazing what God can create in just a few hours.  Considering the intricacy of this creation that miraculously appeared in the shade of our little pear tree in the garden; I don't think we can truly understand what miracles can happen in our lives and in the world. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


By Edgar Guest 1916

Does the grouch get richer quicker than the
friendly sort of man?
Can the grumbler labor better than the cheerful
fellow can?
Is the mean and churlish neighbor any cleverer
than the one
Who shouts a glad " good morning," and then
smiling passes on?

Just stop and think about it. Have you ever
known or seen
A mean man who succeeded, just because he
was so mean?
When you find a grouch with honors and with
money in his pouch,
You can bet he didn't win them just because
he was a grouch.

Oh, you'll not be any poorer if you smile along
your way,
And your lot will not be harder for the kindly
things you say.
Don't imagine you are wasting time for others
that you spend :
You can rise to wealth and glory and still pause
to be a friend.